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LinkedIn Live 2023: The Global Heart Hub Global Cholesterol Action Plan: Building successful multi-stakeholder alliances

Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) accounts for 85% of all cardiovascular-related deaths and is the leading cause of mortality worldwide, responsible for more than 15 million deaths each year. A main risk factor of ASCVD is low-density lipoprotein (LDL-C) – also known as ‘bad cholesterol’.

Through the implementation of its new Global Cholesterol Action Plan, the Global Heart Hub hopes to implement change in the way unhealthy cholesterol levels are prevented and managed to reduce ASCVD.

This expert panel discussion brings together leading thought leaders to discuss the Global Cholesterol Action Plan with four clear goals and one overarching objective: to ensure unhealthy cholesterol levels are addressed as a public health priority to change the current burden and the future course of ASCVD.

This event and the Invisible Nation program have been created in partnership with Novartis Pharma AG.

Post ACC Discussion 2023: The Global Heart Hub Global Cholesterol Action Plan

Facebook Live 2022: Invisible Nation: Exposing the realities of ASCVD

On this panel discussion, we addressed how we can bring together the cardiovascular community to expose the realities of ASCVD – a silent, chronic disease – and the personal and social impact it has. By creating awareness around this major driver of heart attacks, strokes, and death, Invisible Nation intends to ignite conversation, inspire action, and activate systemic change to make the burden of unmanaged
ASCVD un-ignorable.

Global Cholesterol Action Plan

In 2022 the Global Heart Hub unveiled its Global Cholesterol Action Plan to reduce the impact of unhealthy cholesterol levels. The Global Cholesterol Action Plan follows and builds upon the World Heart Federation’s Roadmap for Cholesterol published in 2022.

Learn more here.

Global Cholesterol Action Plan

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